The Asian Commercial Sex Scene

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fullmoonz69 01-02-2012 11:14 PM

My Best Friend
Have been wif sbf since 2005 and now am back... after taking so much pleasure from this great place, its time to give it back. Got tons of story to share but will start with this first: all stories are base on my true life experience.

This happen a long long time ago. I remember I got to know her through a website wlny. Not sure its still around. She is 18 then and I am like 6yrs older.

Her name is Kacey living in the West Side. It all started when I msg her on the website with a "hi" we got the same bday... thou not the same

Am surprise when she replied, its about 1am. We started chatting, talking about everything from movies to shopping... she is still in the poly that time as a nurse.

We hit off so well and chatted almost til sunrise... then we exchange contact and i am surprise that a girl would give her contact number on the first conversation.

Next day, while i was working, i received a msg "Hi, wat u r doing?" and we started to text each other again... gosh.. how i wish we have watsapp during that time.. lol

Without wasting time, I ask her to meet up for a kopi after my work as she lives near me and she agreed. That day, i chop chop finish everything and rush home.

We meet at one coffee shop near our place and I was surprise she looks better in real person. She is tall like 1.68 with short hair. Quite attractive and her smile captivates me.

We set and chat again... so much things we talk about.. I am more of a listener at first. She talks about her friends and stuff... We joke and laugh... Things went super well....

We started to talk everyday and texting each other... we are like best buddies.. Kacey is a sunshine gal type... more like a funny boy character... she always takes funnie face pic of herself and send to me...

I would laugh when i see it... its kind of movtivation for me... We got closer together and becomes best friend... went shopping, movies, lunch, dinner, supper and everything... her school, her friends and everything, even her family... I became her Best Friend...we share our food and We never have any secrets between us...

Many months pass... and all started one day when i am on leave and i went to her house like usual after her school. Her lecture ends at noon and she will be at home about 2.

I went to her house and brought our lunch along. We have our food together and laugh til all of a sudden Kacey says something out of the blue...

Kacey: hey... u know something... I am a Virgin... are u a Virgin?

Me: (Gosh.. we got no secrets...should i say i am too? haha.. who will belive..) Nope..i am not .. i give it to my first GF.... (actually give it to GL lor something during army orientation with my platoon mates.. haha)

Me: *with Laughter* how is it possible ?!? u dont tell me u never do it with ur first bf ? u r like so happening... and u r gorgeous.. how come he can control ?!?!

Kacey: No lah... tat time i wan to keep after marriage lor...

Me: tat time ? how about now? u change ur mind liaos meh ?

Kacey: No lah... its jus curious lor.. my few gf at school told me about what they do wif their bf and such lor... damm pai say lor... i didnt even say anything ... scare they will laugh if they know i am a virgin.. u know one lor.. i super hyper.. come to this.. haiz..

Me: Wait... cannot be mah... dont tell me u never watch porn before?!? cannot be lor... u also nurse mah... during attachment u sure get to see naked uncle de lor..

Kacey: I never seen porn before lor... *faint... guess all boys at this age already watch porn online like nobody biz liaos...

Kacey: That time attachement i got see ... old uncle one lor... super small... they are like 50s or 60s...

Me: *Laugh... hahahahaa.. wow liao ar... oki oki.. *i pull the laptop from the table infront of us.. we always listen to some music when we eat.. lol

Me: *i type one of the URL to a porn streaming website... and choose a random japanese AV show and press play... Today i let u lose your eye virgin first.. let u see ur first porn show... haha

Kacey: really ar... *she comes to sit beside me infront of the laptop...

To be continue... :D

fullmoonz69 01-02-2012 11:50 PM

Re: My Best Friend Part 2
Since now got some time: I will continue the story. Gosh.. while writing this, its like reliving it all over again... i stil can remember her so well till now... haha.. back to story. :p

When the buffer is up, the video starts playing... i lower the sound of the laptop just in case her brother or someone come back.. *Her father got 1 strict rule, cannot be alone with a guy at home... she is breaking the rule for her best friend : Me :)

AV started playing, think i pick quite a nice one with censorship... lol... the couple is making out and touching all over... I look at how she react to the video... and can only see her curiousity in her eyes... she just stares at the screen... lol

I tot i jus accompany her to watch... I am not sure weather her body will react but mine sure did... Geez.. i am wearing a jeans that day and my dick went hard... I started to swallow my saliva...

The clip is like 5 mins or so... and she was totally glue to the screen... the moaning of the gal got louder and louder till the guy cums inside her... and the vids ends when it close up with sperm dripping out from the vagina...

Then she turns to me...

Kacey: Wow... like tat... the gal not pain meh ? The last part so fast... in and out like that ... the gal should be painful lor...

Me: Hmmmm... it really depends lor... the first time always a bit painful one... but after awhile... will enjoy one lor...

Kacey: sure anot ... i cannot imagine lor... dont know the video real or fake one... she moan so loud like damm enjoy but mayb she super pain lor...

Me: Hmmm... i dont think so lor... i remember my first time also damm pain... but after awhile... think it will be wet then ok liaos... its easier to move in and out...

Kacey: Wet? what wet?

Me: *wow liao ar...she dont even know the vagina will get wet when high.. means she got no feeling when watching the video... damm... i already hard like a metal rod liaos...

Me: Wet wet lor... u dont know meh?? when u high... ur downstairs will get wet one lor... for guys will get hard... *the moment i mention guy will be hard she looks at my groin area...

Kacey: Wow... u r hard right now right ?!?! haha... i can see ... its like trying to break free from the jeans... hahaha

Me: *damm pai say... * Wei !!! dont laugh lor.. its normal for guys to be like that one lor... now u stil young lor ... u wont understand de... guys become active and will have reaction... but i think ladies at late 20s will wan more than guy lor..

Kacey: hahaha... really ar... *stil laughing...

Kacey: ok ok... dont laugh liaos.. hmmm... ur didi, is it the same as the video one? *pointing her finger at my didi...

Me: *slap her hand away.... dont point point lor... where got same one... i think almost everyone different one lor...

Kacey: how can be different? *wow liews... this gal is like got 101 questions lor...

Me: *i pause for a moment then i answer : my different lor.. his one got cut .. .mine never cut... the front... the foreskin...

Kacey: is it is it ???

Me: ha nah... bluff u for wat.. got money meh....

Kacey: hmmm... can i see ???

Me: SIao AR !!!!! see what see ?!?! so good to see meh ?!?!

Kacey: pls pls... just one look can liaos... i really curious mah... I am your best friend lor...1 look can liaos...

Me: *panic liaos... quite pai say also.. for months we together never talk about this til now...

Me: hmmm... can can? u see mine, i see urs ? like that then fair mah?

Kacey: Siao ar... how can like tat? I lady mah.. u should give in to me... I jus wan to see lor...

Me: sibei not fair lor... like tat i like bu hwa lor..

Kacey: pls pls pls... *she holds her hand together and act cute with her pleas... geez.. i also lost to her when she do tis for something she wans..

Me: ok ok... u promise u cannot laugh one or tell anyone ok... if your dad knows i sure kana kill one lor...

Kacey: oki oki... *she smiles like she got a sweet or lollipop

Me: *slowly unbuckle my belt.. in mind... i am thinking i mus be crazy liaos... showing my best friend my tool... i then unbutton and slowly pull down my zip... lucky that day never wear my torn boxer...

Kacey: *never move at all.. eyes fix on target.. like awaiting for me to unwrap her present...

to be continue...

fullmoonz69 02-02-2012 12:13 AM

Re: My Best Friend
Part 3:

Me: *I slowly pull down my jeans and boxer a bit.. and there goes .. my tool pop out... Kacey eyes open wider abit...

Kacey: wow.. really not same wor... your skin if covering your didi... and fully erected...

Me: *super pai say.. i mus be crazy.. kacey like attending live science class... I wanted to pull back my boxer and jeans ...

Kacey: Wait wait... can u pull back the skin... i want to see... pls pls pls..

Me: *wow liao... already come to this stage... faster finish and keep back my tool... i slowly pull my skin back and reveal my head...

Kacey: wow...your head red one wor... your size like that consider big ???

Me: no lar... average i think.. they always say 6 inch.. i think mine only 5 plus...

Kacey: is it...can i measure? can can ?

Me: *Faint... wow liao ar.. really damm nurse lor... other gals should be super shy lor... think cos we are very close and she is a nurse ... she damm zai lor...

Kacey: *without hestation pull out a ruler from her pencil box...

Me: Really ar ??!? u really gonna measure mine didi ar?!?! u damm buay pai say one lor...

Kacey: dont worry lor.. u r my best friend ma...

Me: ok ok lah... faster faster... measure liaos then i can wear back my jeans liaos...

Kacey: *without even asking weather she can hold mine dick... she jus grab it...

Me: *her grip over mine dick.. makes it more harden... i can feel her hand engulf my didi... she then lift it up a bit.. and use the ruler measure...

Kacey: hmmm... ur didi is 5 inch 5... haha... should consider above avg... *giggling when she is still holding my dick...

Kacey: *then she notice some liquid on my didi head... She then touch it.. I got shock.. cos my dick head super sensitive... i pull back...

Me: *shouted* Ow ... wat u doing?!!?!? *quickly pull up my jeans and boxer

Kacey: no mah.. u wet liaos...* and she wrap her hands on my jeans...

Me: *super pai say to the max... Cannot lor... u really take advantage of your best friend... like tat also can.. u win liaos...

Kacey: dont worry la... i wont tell anyone .... at least i see a real hard on one lor...

Me: *me stil a bit piss... : Cannot lor... next time i wan to see urs !!! if not, not fair lor... we best friend ma.. if u can see mine.. i also wan to see urs...

Kacey: hahaha... cannot ... *act cute... Will not let u see de lor... i gal lor.. u guy gentlemen a bit...

Me: oki lor... u win liaos... dont friend u liaos...*i went over and clean up the lunch we never finish...

Me: by the way, i cant accompany u today... i am going off soon... need to finish some work...

Kacey: wow.. tot u wil be here all the way... sianz lor...

Me: cannot lor.. must finish tat work.. .very important one...

*i didnt say much and left the house... i am still shock dont know hw to react... i actually show her my dick... haiz

To be continue...

fullmoonz69 02-02-2012 12:44 AM

Re: My Best Friend - part 4
That day after i left... i was busy at work... didnt really get a chance to reply her msg...

At night, around 11pm... i finally bath and laying on my bed... recalling the feeling of Kacey's hand holding my dick... the warmth of her hands... it actually feel so good... the thoughts of it.. raise my flag again...

All of a sudden my phone ring... its Kacey...

Me: halo... wats up?

Kacey: no lor... cannot sleep... jus wan to talk to u...

Me: ok... *the tots of her still floating in my mind...

Kacey: tell u hor... after u left... i did something... *she pause

Me: do wat?

Kacey: i went to check my one... i find out my hole very small lor..

Me: wat? *the tots of Kacey naked bottom... rush into my mind... : how u check ?

Kacey: i use a mirror lor... i jus want to look clearly how my one looks like... then i realise its a bit small lor.. the hole like so small

Me: *blood rush at full horse power to my dick... it feels like its gonna explode... the tots of kacey touching herself almost drives me nuts....

Me: *then i recall i read from somewhere that gals use dolls or shower host to pamper themselves...

Me: U ever touch yourself before anot?

Kacey: touch myself?

Me: ya lor.. touch yourself there...

Kacey: never... never try before...

Me: hmmm... u should try lor... it actually feels good lor... cos now u havent try sex... this is a good way to start... get the feel lor... guys do that very often one...

Kacey: is it? u also do very often ?!?

Me: hehe... yup...sometimes...hmmm quite often... haha

Kacey: wow.. how u do it ????

Me: think of someone u want to make love with... think of the place and the feel... and slowly.... ai ya... u knw one lar... how guys do it... haha

Kacey: haha... yup yup... u also do it... so who u think of all the time?!?

Me: *after today its gonna be u all the way... i just want to make love to u... thats all i can think...

Me: me?1?! haha... most of the time actress lor... swee swee one.. haha

Kacey: hahahahaha... *she laughs and all sudden still laughing she ask

Kacey: u never think of me mah ? hahahaha

Me: *caught unguarded... i reply without thinking... : No... never!

Kacey: Why ?!?! i not beautiful meh ?!?!

Me: no lar... we best friend mah... cannot like tat one...

Kacey: oki lor... *she sounds abit disappointed... as kacey always wants to win and outshine.... she might think i tot she is not pretty enough...

Me: by the way, self relieve is good lor...

Kacey: hmmmm ... like that good meh ....

Me: good lor... it helps a guy to relax... when we eject.. .we let go all the tension and everything ... include stress and all ...

Kacey: hmmmm... then will girl feel the same too...

Me: i think so lor... it should be the same one lor... gal call it orgas...somemore u got so much stress ... like exam and all... this might be a good way to let go of the stress...

Kacey: is it... i am not sure how to do it wor...

Me: hmmmm... u can google it... i am sure u can find all the answer u want... u r a nurse lor... u should be very well verse with all this parts and such... i know u need to touch the clitoris... u google and u can see where is it...

Kacey: orh.. later i google see how...

Me: hmmm... u can try it... in shower or in your room... but make sure u lock ur door lor... wait ur younger brother walk in then siao liaos... hahahaha

Kacey: hahaha... ya lor ya lor.. hahaha

Me: when in shower, think its safest... u can use the shower host...

Kacey: u siao ar?!?!?! shower host ?!?! so big.. my hole so small ... put that one in sure jia lat one...

Me: hahaha... u hor... who tell u to shaft the shower host in... u adjust the flow of the shower... let the water do the work... use the water coming out of the shower host... aim at ur clitoris.. and slowly adjust till u feel comfortable... move the motion front and back.. u should feel good...

Kacey: wow... like tat also can ar? u damm expert lor...

Me: no lar... i jus read about it b4... hahaha

Me: or...the simplest... is lock ur door... then slowly touch yourself lor... u need to figure which way u feel good... slowly work your finger on the clitoris lor... u sure can feel it de... of cos.. u need to imagine who u want to make love with...

Kacey: hahahaha... ya lor ... mus imagine... hmmmm

Me: hahahaaha... who u think about? Jin Cheng Wu ? hahahaa i quite like him lor... hahahaha

Kacey: wow liao... u damm gay lor... hahahaa... dont tell u...

to be continue...

fullmoonz69 02-02-2012 01:12 AM

Re: My Best Friend
Hi all bros,

Do let me know if u wan me to continue? cos this is the first time i write my true life story... juicy part coming up... do let me know so i will continue. :)

hope bros love it.

ChevelleZ 02-02-2012 01:30 AM

Re: My Best Friend
interesting start
please continue bro n any spec of her boobs lol :P

ranteo 02-02-2012 01:57 AM

Re: My Best Friend
yes continue please..camping for more..

owl888 02-02-2012 02:16 AM

Re: My Best Friend
Upzz u, pls continue........

tokoloshe 02-02-2012 05:35 AM

Re: My Best Friend
Thanks for the effort. Please continue.

Steventan 02-02-2012 05:56 AM

Re: My Best Friend
Hi TS, very sexiting to read. Please carry on, discovered yr thread this morning
:p :cool:

silverstrike 02-02-2012 09:08 AM

Re: My Best Friend
Camping for more .

rockyt 02-02-2012 09:56 AM

Re: My Best Friend - part 4
Hi TS, another follower waiting for the continuation. Your juicy part coming up don't stop here. She must be innocent, naive and raw...Continue bro!

Dirtyboy76 02-02-2012 10:11 AM

Re: My Best Friend
Keep it cumming TS. We are waiting .....

fullmoonz69 02-02-2012 11:46 AM

Re: My Best Friend - Part 5
wow...going for lunch soon... just log in to check and shock to see quite a number of reply !!! Thanks bro for upping my points and those who read it... Cos now at office... and going for lunch in an hour time... writing the next part will definitely give me a super hard on... nether the less, for all the bros who read my story.. i shall continue... :) Do leave more feedback, so i will be writing it all... its pass memories but its super clear in my mind... i will never forget this beautiful and sexciting incident in my life...

here goes:

One week pass after all the talks about masturbation and such... we met for dinner and supper as usual... talk on phone about daily lifes and encounters... I tot everything is back to normal for her but for me... i am thinking about her everyday... the image never goes away about her touching herself...

Finally thursday come again... the day when her lesson ends at noon... she text me to meet her at her house. I took urgent leave and left office in the morning... haha...went home to bath and change a new boxer i bought... jus in case today got chance to expose it again... lol

As usual, i bought lunch up to her house... i press the doorbell and waited like a delivery man... and after awhile without response, i msg her, no reply... i press the doorbell again...

Then all of a sudden the door open, i am stunt by what i saw... Kacey is wrap in a white towel... she is actually bathing halfway... as she is tall... the towel only cover til her mei mei... revealing her long and slender legs... I swallow my saliva at the sight of it... She smile and pass me the keys... and went back in...

I open the door and enter the house... Kacey was bathing in her mums room as usual... the laptop is already on the living table where we have lunch all the time... I place all the food and go through the laptop for new songs... but the tots of Kacey bathing now... and the image of her in the white towel keep appearing in my mind...

I cant control my curiousity... i play music and put it to a higher volume from the laptop... and creep slowly to Kacey mum's room door...

I am trying my luck to see if i get a chance to peep and see anything... door was lock... the only way, i can see is from the slight sims below the door...

I bend down slowly without making any sound...

Then i realise that the floor is reflective... cos the sims is too low.. but with the reflection from the floor i can see more... my heart pounding super fast... first time i am trying to do something like tat...

My heart pound even faster when i saw the bathroom door unlock... i never realise that Kacey did not lock the bathroom door, she only locks her mum's door... but i did not see her there... the shower host must be located on the other side.. all i can see is an open bathroom door, mirror and basin...

My heart keep pounding hard... thoughts of the younger brother coming home early or Kacey might have finish bathing, changing at an angle that i cant see race through my mind... do i have enough time to make it back to the living room table without been caught... the adrenalin is high... til... i saw...

Kacey walks out into my view... she is looking at the mirror in the bathroom... i got a clear view of everything from the reflection... my jaw drops...

She tie up her hair... revealing all the way from her long neck to her feet.. She is scraping shampoo and looking at the mirror on the same time... now then i realise she likes to look at herself when she bath...

I got an instant hard on... as now i am laying flat on the floor to get a better view... Kacey moves her shampoo hand over her A-cup size boobs... its perky and i can see its like a 20cent coin size nipple... and she slowly move her shampoo hand down from the waist to finally what i have been imagining for the pass one week...

Kacey's mei mei... its all wet and the pubic hair is like soaking with shampoo and water... to me its like a thick bush... not trim... this is how a 18 yr old girl looks like without trim ... her hand movements over her body with shampoo and scrapping in between her legs ... is the image i will never forget in this life... such a beautiful sight...

After awhile, when she cover all area she needs to wash... she turns around and move further back to the bathroom, away from the mirror... I tot the show is over as the shower host is located at a block view behind the door...

As i was about to get up, i am shock i was given a bonus... she reach for the show host behind the block view... and shower off the shampoo over her body which i can see clearly...

The water caress her body... swipping the shampoo off ... from top to bottom... its about 6 to 7m from me to Kacey... i can see the full view... and the water drips from the end of her pubic hair...

when all the shampoo was gone... i guess the show should be over soon... til i saw something i couldnt believe...

to be continue... going for lunch soon... need to wrap up some work :p

amateur.bonker 02-02-2012 11:51 AM

Re: My Best Friend - Part 5
keep up the juicy story.. will up you when i recover tomorrow..
dun keep us waiting for too long ok? =)

fullmoonz69 02-02-2012 12:19 PM

Re: My Best Friend - part 6
damm... think i cant go lunch liaos... i got a full hard on writing this.. geez.. ask my collegues to go ahead... think the moment i get up.. they all will see my hard on... i order mac and i shall continue...

Here goes:

Kacey slowly moves the shower host down to her mei mei... she lean back against the wall... and now i have a full frontal view of her... i hold my mouth and press myself against the floor... full horse power of blood gushing into my tool...

She arch her hips forward a bit... and use her index finger and middle finger to open up her mei mei lips... and she slowly runs the shower host with water spray on her mei mei..

omg... is this what Kacey have been doing after our talk about it on the phone last week... she must be trying out ... is it the first time? or many times? alot of things race across my mind but not for a sec i took my eyes off the view...

Kacey close her eyes... tilt her head back abit .... and continue to pamper herself with the shower hose... she must be imagining having sex with someone... gosh.. who can that be? mus be some yan dao actor...

I started to move my lower body that press against the floor... trying to tame and comfort my tool...

Kacey with her eyes close... moving the hose forward and backward... after a few mins... all of a sudden she stops... jus like tat...

Wat happen??? did she not get it??? why stop??? i didnt see her orgas... shiver or anything... she then reach for her towel... and dry herself up...

She walks out of the bathroom and continues to dry herself... walking closer to the door means i cant have the full view... I can only see her putting on her panties... its a yellow cotton cute cute kind of panty... and when she puts on her shorts... i know its time to creep back to the living room table...

The moment, i stand up... i am at full hard on mode... and my little brother will never give way until he gets what he wants... so i got no choice... instead of back to the table i went to the kitchen bathroom...

I took it out and comfort it with my hands... with Kacey in my mind... i did a full throttle with my hand... heard Kacey mum's room door opens... then i heard...

Kacey: hey, u in the toliet?

Me: Yup... will be out in a min *with my hands still working on my bro...

Kacey: ok... i wait for u then we eat together oki ?

Me: sure... *hands moving faster... imagining Kacey moan with her voice... I manage to get everything out of the system in less than a min...

*Wash up my hands and went to the living room...

*Set beside Kacey... can smell her from jus beside her, her shampoo smell from her wet hair...and the body foam smell from her body... we are quite close together and usually we do not sit very far away... and occasionally my legs or arms will contact with each others... my heart still not subsided from the adventure jus now...

*while i was bending forward to get the food... i turn and look at Kacey... she was pulling her oversize white Tshirt abit... I wonder why...

Me: wat u doing?

Kacey: haha... u promise me something can?

Me: wat?

Kacey: u say u promise first.. then i tell u ...

Me: ok oki ... say *thinking with so much surprise today... what else can shock me

Kacey: i never wear bra... hehe

Me: wat ?!?!

Kacey: wow... so big reaction for wat ? me everytime at home alone also never wear bra de... and when u come over.. then i got no choice... i wan to feel comfortable at home mah...

Me: *wow liao... bath never close door... at home dont like to wear bra... what else do u do my best friend...

Me: wow.. like that also can... then wat about your younger brother? he at home u also never wear bra?

Kacey: ya lar... dont wear also .. cos he is my brother mah.. so no need to scare...

Me: then me la ??!?

Kacey: u r mine best friend ma... so no need to scare also... as long as u promise dont look can liaos...

Me: *gosh... jus now see everything liaos.. but now its 30cm apart from me.. jus now far.. now close up... hw not to see lor..

Me: ok ok.. i promise not to see... eat lunch first la.. super hungry liaos...

To be continue...

facetsofme 02-02-2012 12:39 PM

Re: My Best Friend
great story! camping for more !

Virginhere 02-02-2012 12:47 PM

Re: My Best Friend - part 6
What a damn horny 18 years old Hehe

uslover 02-02-2012 12:48 PM

Re: My Best Friend - Part 5
camp for more :D

GeMiNiZzzzZzz 02-02-2012 01:01 PM

Re: My Best Friend
I read your story i also super hungry now :D

fullmoonz69 02-02-2012 01:03 PM

Re: My Best Friend- Part 7
Its raining super heavy now ... and my mac still havent arrive... so i will continue... hope bros remember to comment and up me if possible... trying my best to finish the installment here... cos it gets better and better...

Here goes :

We chit chat during our lunch... joke and laugh about stuff as usual... she would hit me like small kids or little girl when i joke about her... i can live like tis forever... i tot to myself...

After lunch...we were browsing through youtube...

Me: wow liao ar.. my leg numb already...need to sit on the sofa... *thn i sit up on the sofa while she is stil on the floor... leaning back against the sofa..
*this give me an opportunity on birds eye view...i can see everything clearly when she lean forward to type stuff... her oversize white tshirt neck line is enlarge... cos its been worn or scretch alot of times...

I can see her boobs...its really A cup... perky nips... brown... size of 20cent coin confirm...she is already 18 and not sure will grow any further... but it does not matter cos her bubbly/sunshine girl character makes up for it... tall and slender.. and from the toliet view... she really got a huge and juicy butt...
all this time, her shoulder is touching my legs on the side... i feel so connected...

After awhile, i focus back on what Kacey is doing... then i saw her went back to browse history ...

Me: anything interesting?

Kacey: no lor... we saw most of the youtube funnie clips liao.. hmmmm... wat else can we see...

*Kacey was browsing through the history and then she stop at the porn streaming website i show her last week... impossible ba...i tot... then she press the enter button and the site starting to load...

Me: wow... u horny ar? hahahaha... watch this .... hahahaha

Kacey: *slap me on my leg... : no lar... jus wan to find out something...

Me: find out wat ? *thinking mus be abt masturbation thinggy... and bingo...

Kacey: *key in masturbation in search ... and the website reload again...

Me: why u looking for this?

Kacey: no lor... jus wan to know more...

Me: know more ? u try it yourself then u will know already wat ? u didnt try meh? *knowing she did...

Kacey: *pause for a moment... : tell u honestly lor... u dont laugh ar...

Me: I wont la... wow liao ar... i am your best buddy wor... wont laugh one...

Kacey: i try using the shower thing u told me about... but i cant feel it wor... dont know i got something wrong anot...

Me: REally !?!?! *act blur act shock

Me: how come no feel ? its easy one lor... did u close ur eyes and imagine when u do it ?

Kacey: got leh... but still no feel lor... thats why puzzle...

Me: *me thinking hard... hw to proceed on from here... should i be bold?? and try something ...

Me: u really wan to know hw it feels is it?

Kacey: hmmmm... not sure lor... jus curious...

Me: cannot not sure one... if u say u wan to feel... i can help u one... i think i know wats wrong...

Kacey: hmmmm... cannot la... wat u wan to do ? *abit shy liaos...

Me: u trust me anot ? *the best friend most powerful word

Kacey: trust ... but...

Me: stil got but means dont trust me lor...

Kacey: no la... i of cos trust u lor...

Me: i know wat u lack off...

Kacey: wat? *super curious face

Me: u lack of body contact to complete the thing...

Kacey: huh? Wat body contact?

Me: u never been hug closely by another person... the body heat... and the body against body touches each other will create a feeling... and slowly from there u will get it...

Kacey: wat u mean?

Me: means i can use my body against yours... let u feel how is it like to be hug by a man... and slowly from there u can feel liaos...

Kacey: like that we have to be naked together ?!?! i dont wan... i dont wan to let u see me naked...

Me: no need to worry one.. i wont see anything... i promise... i jus help u get the feel can liaos... once u got it.. u wil know hw is it like... haha.. .like ride bicycle like tat.. once knw hw to ride wont forget one...

Kacey: hmmmm.... sure anot... u sure u wont see anything... then hw u do it lor...

Me: trust me anot ? *another one time best friend most powerful word

Kacey: hmmm... oki lor...

Me: ok... good... come lets go to your room... u bring the laptop there .. i clear up the table first...

To be Continue... macdonald is here.. time for lunch...

uzumakiidii 02-02-2012 01:43 PM

Re: My Best Friend
nice one ts. keep up the good work. very sexciting liao.:D

fullmoonz69 02-02-2012 02:40 PM

Re: My Best Friend - Part 8
Finish mac... here goes... last part for now... need to get back to work after this. Hope u bros love and thanks for the up.

Here goes:

Once we got into the room. I went to close the windows. I can see Kacey is nervous... so i set up the laptop at her reading table and select one smoothing song and click replay... play it soft...

Then i close the door...and with everything enclose... i off the lights from the room and it became dark... but still can see...

Me: dont worry... i promise u i wont see anything one.. pass me a small towel...

Kacey: huh? towel ?!?

Me: ya... a small towel... i need it...

Kacey: *she opens her closet and got a short towel for me... and i proceed to sit on the bed....

Me: ok... very simple... i m going to blindfold myself with this towel... and sit all the way back against the wall on the bed... once i blindfold... u come to sit in between me ok... *I took off my bermudas... and only leaving my boxer...

Kacey: hey...u take off your bottom?!?

Me: dont worry.. i am leaving my boxer on.. u have seen all of me before liaos... now got boxer so nothing to scare lor... dont worry.. i wont ask u to take off...

Kacey: orh... *start to show shyness on her face...

Me: *i fold and tie the towel over mine eyes and proceed to sit back till i lean on the wall... i then spread open my leg...

Me: come... sit inbetween my legs... *i hope i can control my tool... luckily jus now release one time liaos... should be able to hold...

Kacey: *did not make a noise... i can feel that she already sitted on the bed... then she got close to me... with her back facing me... she push herself close to my groin area... i can smell her hair shampoo even stronger now... the lavender fragrance completes everything...

Me: ok... now jus relax... lean your body on mine... jus lean on me as support... *with the music playing behind smoothly... i can feel her body lean on mine... my heart started pounding... wonder if her did the same too...

Me: u feel comfortable already... jus relax your body... dont worry.. .cos i cant see anything with this towel on...

Me: the most important part... i am going to take off my top... and u have to do the same too...

Kacey: huh?... really ar... damm pai say lor...

Me: i am jus trying to help... trust me... we need our body against each other.. with the clothes... the feel will be lesser... * I took off my top...

Kacey: *without making a noise she took off hers too...

Me: ok... slowly lean on me again...

*this is the first time that i am having such huge contact with Kacey... her naked back slowly lean on me... her smooth skin touches mine... slowly press again my chest... my heart pounds harder... gosh... the blood flow to that place again... my flag starting to raise again...

Kacey leans on me completely now... its like i can feel her heart pounding too... i cant see much... guess i have seen everything earlier... so now its all smell, feel and my imgination...

Me: relax...can u feel my body heat...

Kacey: mmmm...

Me: ok... now close your eyes...imagine some u like alot... i wil slowly touch u... your body mus always lean on me ok...

Kacey: mmmm... *another soft yes from her...

I started rubbing my hands along side of hers...with my body intact with hers... i start to breath behind her ears... i use my nose to touch abit of her left ear while my hands continue to gently rubbing her arms...

she tilt her head to the right... so my face fully intact with her neck... i can feel that her shoulder loosen up and her full body weight is leaning on me... she is starting to relax...

Then i slowly brush my fingers on her her neck...and run it between her breast... i can feel she starts to breath a bit heavier...and as i run my fingers tru.. i can feel her body twitch a bit reacting to it...

I slowly grib her right hands with mine... so i can feel hw she react when i do something... i then move slowly with my left hand up to her boobs...

its small... by its smooth...i slowly caress it...and run occasionally run my finger tips on her nips... i can feel her right hand grip tighter when i do that...

then i slowly kiss her on the neck... she did not reject or push me away...and i started to lick it from the neck to her earloop while my left hand is still caressing her perky breast... her nips harder n pertrudes...

i move my hands down... over her shorts... i start to run it circular motion her mei mei... she reacts more to this... can feel the grip tighter than before... i did not stop for a few mins...

then i move my left hand back to her belly button... running in circular motion...i slowly move down again...

this time...i move my hands into the fingers running through the cotton feel panty... as i cant see... but in my mind i know its a yellow cute cotton panty... i run my fingers up and down on her mei mei... and she reacts and close up her tigh...

I slowly use my legs to engulf her from the back... took both legs to spread her legs that my fingers can roam more in her shorts...

after awhile...i feel that its about time...i move my right hand up and caress her boobs and slowly my left hand pull aside the yellow panties in her shorts with my thumb...

then my index finger and middle touches her mei mei for the first time... i can feel all the pubic hair i saw just now... and slowly work my way to her mei mei middle finger runs down on her slit... she is already wet...

I can feel the wetness stick to my fingers abit...and i continue to slowly rub against her mei mei lips...with tat... my fingers search for her clitoris.. and its wasnt difficult to find...

I shift to kiss her right side of the neck and kissing her earloop.. while my left hand is working on her clitoris... i can feel her total body is on me now... we have a full body contact... body against body... leg against leg...

continue to caress her boobs... i slowly insert my finger in her mei mei... the moist and warmth of her mei mei engulf my middle fingers... as she is doing it for the first time... i go very gentle and slowly... moving 1 inch in and pulling it out abit ... and moving it in again...

finally i get half of my finger in... its not tough as she is all wet... with my middle finger in... i started to rotate in circular motion and pulling in and out at the same time.. a very small one cos i dont wan to hurt her...

then i use my right hand to guide her right hand to caress her own boobs... i always believe tat ladies will know where is the best spot they like...

she started to caress herself... i can feel she is taking bigger breath and occasionally letting out small moans... she is completely wet at the bottom...

at this time... i realise my leg grib...with my left hand working on her mei mei stil... my right hand went down to pull her shorts and panties to her knee...she lifts up her buttocks as she is giving me permission to do it...

after that... i pull my finger out from her mei mei... and with my left hand.. i guide her left hand slowly down to her mei mei... i guide her fingers to touch herself and the clitoris... my fingers over hers... i can feel that she already knows where she likes it...

without fan in the room... our body starts to perspire...i can feel my sweat running down my chest and rubbing against her body... she continues to touch her clitoris .. and i insert the middle finger back into the wet cave...

i can feel the tightness of her ... the friction is the wall is good...

after ahwile... i push my body against her abit i can try to insert my index finger in too...with my middle finger still in her... i slowly push my index finger in...its really tight... but with the moist and patience... i will get it in...

with 2 fingers in the super tight mei mei... i can feel she starts to move her own pelvis area... like encouraging me to find her G spot... i started to move abit faster... pulling both of my fingers halfway out and fully push in...

Her pelvis is moving faster while i was doing that...then i start to go all the way in... using my fingers to find the Gspot and moving my fingers without pulling it out... i can hear her moan... all this ... i can only feel, smell and imagine...

she moves faster and faster till i can feel her buttocks tighten and her mei mei grip and almost break my fingers... lots of water came out from there...and my fingers continue to move without stopping... she starts to shiver and her whole body tightens...

and her body lets go... and she is completely out...she slump back to my chest... with heavy panting... and my fingers almost break during that moment.. me too panting in both our sweaty bodies...

I did not move... just letting her lean on my body.. i wan her to feel everything...

mins past... and i slowly pull out my fingers...i am too focus on getting her high til now my rod is still standing high...

Me: u ok?

Kacey: hmmm... *still laying on my body... like she collapse after running a marathon...

Me: is it painful ?

Kacey: no...*still trying to subside from the heavy panting

with my blindfold on... i slowly pull up her shorts and panty... she got up and put back her shirt...

Me: can i take off my blindfold already?

Kacey: can...

I slowly pull off my blindfold... and Kacey on the light... I almost fainted when i see wat a mess we have created...

Her bed is totally wet... and i got blood from my fingers and on the bed too.. Geez.. she was kind of shock too...

Me: u sure u ok ? u feel painful anot...

Kacey: no leh... jia lat liaos...

Me: dont worry ... lets clean it up together...

Knowing that Kacey lost her virginity to my fingers and orgas the first time in my hands are a throphy in my life...

To be continue...

fullmoonz69 02-02-2012 02:43 PM

Re: My Best Friend
sorry bro... the last post is super long... cos i cannot stop... i trying to recall everything that happen tat day... its one of the most special day of my life.. will be bringing tis sweet memory to my grave... hope u bros enjoy it. :)

By the way, this is not the end of the story... this is just the begining of it...

Stay tune !!!

Season_Tea 02-02-2012 03:14 PM

Re: My Best Friend
Nice story keep up n up yr point

sjb1994 02-02-2012 03:24 PM

Re: My Best Friend
Of course this cannot be the end. Kacey just start the learning curve. Good work bro.

otamay 02-02-2012 03:41 PM

Re: My Best Friend
Ya, this is just the beginning of the sexual assault :D keep cumming :)

DavidFox468 02-02-2012 03:59 PM

Re: My Best Friend
You get my 8 points for Kacey and your Sunshine hand

nicktrex 02-02-2012 04:15 PM

Re: My Best Friend
wow bro good story man.. Keep up the good work and hope ot hear your continuation soon

pizzaboy 02-02-2012 04:25 PM

Re: My Best Friend
Indeed a good start for 2012 many great stories to begin è new year well done keep up è spirit of sharin

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