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FredSolo 19-11-2020 04:27 AM

[Story] A Last Swim At Our Family Home
My older sister Eve had the ideal life. By the age of 35, she was happily married and had a successful career in real estate. All that changed however when she discovered that her husband was having an affair. Iain, my brother-in-law, naturally tried to win her back but the damage was already done. She never forgave him and the divorce was swiftly settled. As she never bore a child with Iain, she lived a carefree life alone as a single lady in her condo apartment.

A single bachelor myself at 32, I had pursed the path of being a freelance 3D artist and Motion Graphic Designer and was also living in my own studio apartment. When our dad passed away a month ago, the large secluded property where we had grew up in was transferred to us. Despite it being a beautiful home, with many fond memories of our childhood, we decided to sell the property away as we were already comfortable at our own respective apartments.

We managed to find a buyer and the house was quickly sold. It was quite a sad feeling honestly, whenever I was in the home where we grew up, watching the movers pack old pieces of furniture to take away. I called my sister to tell her that she should visit the house one last time. She was reluctant at first because of how busy she was with her career but I eventually convinced her to come anyway.

In the end, we both got more than what we had anticipated.

Playmode 19-11-2020 04:36 AM

Re: [Story] A Last Swim At Our Family Home
Hmmmmm, whats the story about?

FredSolo 19-11-2020 01:43 PM

Re: [Story] A Last Swim At Our Family Home
I was standing in the large living room as I watched her park her car in the driveway. It was a Sunday afternoon. The sky looked overcast, as though it could rain anytime soon. The wind blew her long hair as she walked towards the front door. She was dressed in formal wear as though as she had just came back from work, a long sleeve white top with a deep V cut in the middle that accentuated her cleavage, tight-fitting dark green pants and a pair of heels.

She smiled when she saw me through the window and we both waved at each other. When I opened the door for her, we gave each other a tight hug.

Eve (calling me by her favourite nickname of me): Jonny! So good to see you!

Jon: You too Jie!

The last time that we had met was during our annual CNY reunion dinner. Growing up, we were pretty close with each other even though we had the occasional sibling quarrel. The past few years however, we had drifted apart considerably due to her (former) marriage and we were focusing on our own careers too.

Her eyes wandered the house, noticing that most of the furniture had either been taken away, or were covered in large plastic sheets.

J: Looks different doesn't it? This place being empty is a strange sight to get used to.

E: Yeah, you're right. Mummy and Daddy liked everything just the way it was. Now that they're gone, everything's gone too.

J: I know. The movers are coming back tomorrow and they'll take the remaining the stuff away. The new owners want to move in next month.

E: They're really lucky. It's is a beautiful home, plus they bought it at a great market value.

J: You never stop thinking about work, do you?

E (chuckling): Guess not. I love my job.

We walked towards the window overseeing our backyard and the pool. The view from where we stood was always beautiful. We looked at the pool, the forest behind our fences, reminiscing some memories from our younger years.

E: Can you believe it's been so long? We used to spend so much time hanging around that pool together. It's like we're living in a totally different life now.

J: Especially for you. You actually look like a business woman now.

E: What are you talking about? I AM a businesswoman.

J: Haha you know what I meant. You're the most successful person in our family right now. I think that's great.

E: Thanks, it's a result of years of hard work and diligence.

Both of us continued looking at the spacious view. The room had became quiet, but not awkward. We were very comfortable around each other, even in silence.

E: (turning to me and smirked): You know, you used to spy on me when I was swimming in the pool. I would always pretend not to see you, but I knew you were watching.

J (groaning) Jie that was a long time ago. Didn't we agree that you would never mention that again?

E: Haha I must have forgotten our agreement... But I still remember you spying on me (smirking even more)

J: Well what did you expect Jie? You were, and still are, a pretty hot lady... and I was a young guy with... lots of new feelings... you know what I mean...

E: It's okay I don't blame you. I thought it was kinda cute to be honest.

J: Well, like you said, it was a lifetime ago already. We're both older now. You got married and you have a successful career.

E: I was married, now it's just me alone right now.

J: Sounds like a painful divorce. Sorry that I bought it up.

E: It's okay Jonny. All divorces are painful. I hope you will never have to go through that.

J: Well, if you ever need anyone to talk to, don't hesitate to call.

E: Thanks... We rarely talk now.

J: We got our own lives now, that's just the way it is...

FredSolo 19-11-2020 01:45 PM

Re: [Story] A Last Swim At Our Family Home

Originally Posted by Playmode (Post 20331844)
Hmmmmm, whats the story about?

It's a story between 2 siblings, trying something out here haha....

FredSolo 19-11-2020 03:48 PM

Re: [Story] A Last Swim At Our Family Home
E: So... do you still think about the same things?

J (puzzled): What do you mean?

E: Do you still think about the same things you did when we were younger?

I had an idea where this might be going, but I pretended to play dumb.

J: I'm not sure I quite follow?

E: You used to spy on me when I would go for a swim. And I remember that your ex-girlfriends were usually older than you. Are you still the same way?

J: Why you ask leh?

E: Just curious lor.

J (sighing): Well, I guess I still like older ladies. You could call it a preference of mine.

E: Do you still think about me?

I was caught off guard by that question, and thought carefully about how I should answer her question.

J: Sure, I've been thinking a lot about you. In fact, I've been thinking about how all afternoon you have kept me waiting for so long.

E: You know that's not what I meant.

J: Then what did you mean?

E: Do you ever think of me in the same way as before? You know, me coming out of the pool, dripping wet...

J: You're asking if I still have dirty thoughts about you.

E (smiling): Do you?

J (lying): No... We were young, that was a long time ago....

E: And what did you think about whenever you watched me in the pool?

At this point I could feel myself turning really red now.

J: Okay, this is getting awkward. Let's just finish this up and leave...

E: I'll make you a deal - If you answer that question honestly, I'll give you honesty in return.

J: Always looking to close a deal huh?

E: That's what I do. So what's it going to be?

J: What exactly are you going to tell me in return?

E: It's a surprise... I promise you'll like it.

I thought for a moment, thinking to myself whether I should tell her the truth or not. Fuck it, there was nothing to lose, the past is the past.

J: Fine! Yes I imagined you naked. I had never seen a naked girl in real life before except in porn. Seeing you wearing a bikini by the pool was close enough.

E (asking bluntly): Did you ever thought about having sex with me?

J: Yes... maybe occasionally, I don't know. Pretty sure that's every guy's reaction to seeing a hot babe. Look I'm not proud of it, but whatever. I thought it was my secret until you caught me and embarrassed me for spying on you. But I guess you forgot about that right?

E (smirking): I guess I did. I enjoyed hearing your answer.

J: Now what's the secret you were going to tell me?

E: What do you want to know?

J: I don't know??? Weren't you going to tell me something interesting?

E: Nothing particular actually. Ask me whatever you want, and I'll give you a truthful answer. That was the deal we made.

J (incredulous): Great, now I feel like a pervert, admitting that I'm lusting after my own sister for no reason.

E (laughing): Don't feel like that. You are not a perv, you're just a guy with great taste in girls.

J (shrugging): Whatever, it's almost evening and it's gonna rain soon. We should finish our tour of the house before leaving. What else do you want to see?

Eve continued looking outside through the window.

E: I've already seen everything I wanted to see - the house, the living room, the pool... It brings back so many fond memories. And I got to see you again. It's nice talking to you again.

J: That means a lot Jie.

Out of nowhere, Eve suddenly asked.

E: Do we still have towels here?

J: Paper towels or hand wash towels?

E: The kind of towels a person would use for swimming. Are there any in the house right now?

J: Should be, I think there are still some towels in our parents' room.

E: Can you go get them?

J: Why?

E: I want to swim here, one last time.

watercum 19-11-2020 03:56 PM

Re: [Story] A Last Swim At Our Family Home
Good start TS, camping here for more!

Orange22 19-11-2020 04:29 PM

Re: [Story] A Last Swim At Our Family Home
Support nice story, please continue bro :)

Camryaltis 19-11-2020 06:23 PM

Re: [Story] A Last Swim At Our Family Home
Hmmmmmm........ E wants to swim ....... in bikini or skinny dip?:D

cvfdgtr 19-11-2020 07:22 PM

Re: [Story] A Last Swim At Our Family Home
any more update

FredSolo 19-11-2020 08:50 PM

Re: [Story] A Last Swim At Our Family Home
J: You know it's going to rain soon right?

E: I know, but I don't plan on staying in the water for too long. We should swim together! It will be the last fun memory we have in this house, because after the new owners move in, we won't see this place again.

J: Well, there are plenty of other fun things we could do around here.

I realised too late how suggestive that sounded, but Eve didn't seem to notice.

E (smirking): We are in an empty house, what other fun things can we do? Come on, I want us to go swimming again. With everything that's been going on in our lives lately, the one thing I would love right now is to do something utterly crazy and fun together with you.

I looked in her eyes and saw how happy she was becoming. Her face looked older, but there was a gleam in her eyes, which I remembered from our youth. At that moment, she wasn't the dedicated career woman anymore, but the young fresh faced Eve that I knew many years ago. It was the happiest look I've seen in a long time. How could I argue with my sister?

J: Okay, I will get the towels for us.

Eve stepped forward and gave me a tight hug.

E: Thank you Jonny.

After the hug ended, I quickly walked up the stairs into our parents room. I stepped inside, looking around. Most of the stuff in my parents room were still around, their queen size bed not yet dismantled with the bedsheets and pillows still on it. It didn't take long for me to grab a stack of towels from the box that they were packed in.

As I headed back down the stairs, my jaw nearly dropped to the floor at the sight before me.

Eve had already undressed to the point where she was almost naked. I saw her bare back as she let her white top and pink bra fall to the floor. She was completely topless. Next, she undid her pants and pulled it down, leaving her only in her pink panties.

J: Jie... Woah...

She turned around at the sound of my voice and for the first time since I had started fantasising about my sister years ago, I was staring at her bare breasts. They were beautiful, average sized (a C-cup?) and firm. Her nipples were brown and aren't too big. Her body had curves in all the right places. She used to have a "skinny sporty" figure during her JC days but now at 35, she has voluptuous curves in certain areas, making her appear more womanly.

E (nonchalantly): I know I'm naked, I don't have a bathing suit and I'm not swimming in my underwear so this would have to do.

With that said, she pulled down her panties, her last shred of clothing to reveal her cleanly-shaven vagina. My sister was completely and utterly naked before my very eyes.

J (transfixed): Okay.

E (smiling): Are you just gonna stand up there and stare, or are you gonna come down and join me?

J: You want me to get naked with you too?

E: Well, if we're going to do something fun and completely crazy, then we might as well go all the way. Besides, it won't be fair if I'm the only one naked and you're not. Come on, it's your turn. I want to see you.

My body felt like it transitioned to autopilot as I climbed down the stairs and neatly placed the towels on a nearby chair. Piece by piece my clothes came off too. I was pretty sure she was watching me as I undressed but I couldn't look at her. I was embarrassed, but aroused at the same time. Thankfully, the mixed feeling kept me from having an inappropriate erection.

J: There, we are both naked now.

E: Great! Now let's go swimming!

iKiaTioZap 19-11-2020 09:08 PM

Re: [Story] A Last Swim At Our Family Home
Skinny dipping, shiok!! :D

vl603FamilyDIE 19-11-2020 09:57 PM

Re: [Story] A Last Swim At Our Family Home
camping here.........

Meijinq 20-11-2020 12:52 AM

Re: [Story] A Last Swim At Our Family Home
Please continue TS :)

FredSolo 20-11-2020 04:24 PM

Re: [Story] A Last Swim At Our Family Home
I followed my sister's lead as she opened the patio door. It had already begun to drizzle and there was an instant cold breeze the moment the door was opened.

As we walked towards the pool, I realised just how exposed we were. Even though our backyard was surrounded by tall fences and trees from the forest behind, there was still a possibility that someone could have seen us, like a drone could have flown over our house and we wouldn't have known about it.

Or even worse, the new owners could make a random visit to the house and catch us, brother and sister naked together. That would have been an extremely awkward situation.

J: Did you plan this, skinny dipping together in our pool?

E: Oh God no, it was an impromptu spur-in-the-moment idea.

We stopped at the edge of the pool and looked at each other.

J: Same time?

E (smiling): You read my mind.

Eve extended her hand. I took it, and we grasped each other's hands tightly.

E: Okay, on the count of three. 1... 2.... 3!

As we jumped high into the pool, it was as if the world stood still. Nothing else mattered. We felt free, like we were young again. She yelled out loud showing her excitement. Our lives were like old times and everything was joy.

The moment we crashed into the water was another different feeling. The water was cold, and my whole exposed body felt like it was covered in ice. I guess that's what you get when you go skinny dipping in the rain. As we resurfaced above the water, both of us looked at each other and instantly burst out laughing as our bodies were shivering from the cold.

Yet, I've also realised that my sister was right. Skinny dipping IS fun!

J: Jie, you were right. This is so much fun! I feel so much freer wearing nothing in the water!

E: See, I told ya so!

J: It's really really cold though!

E: Give it a while, your body will get used to the temperature.

She was right. As we swam and floated around the pool, my body had begun to acclimatise to the temperature in the water, although the winds were getting stronger and colder as it rained harder.

After a while, we swam to the shallow corner of the pool and sat against the wall side by side, our bodies submerged under the water as the raindrops fall on our heads. As she spread her arms out on the pool edge, I glanced towards her chest, noticing that her nipples had become rock hard. They had become dark and stiff from the cold wind. I stared at my sister's tits because of how erotic it appeared, until she caught me and I quickly turned away.

E (smiling): Enjoying the view?

J: Sorry Jie, I can't help staring when there's a hot naked babe beside me.

E (laughing): Thanks. You know, you don't look too bad yourself. Do you workout regularly?

J: I try to hit the gym at least 3 times a week as well as going for a 5km run during the weekends.

E: So healthy... I wanna start going to the gym too but I'm always busy with work. Anyways why are you still single, with that fit bod of yours?

J: I don't know, I guess I'm not interested in settling down long term with someone yet.

E: So when's the last time you got laid?

J: Wow Jie, ever the blunt and direct person huh?

E: Oh come on, we are adults and I'm your big sis. You can feel comfortable talking to me about sex. Plus we are literally lying naked in the pool together.

J: Okay fine. To answer your question, maybe a month ago? It was a Tinder hookup.

E: Okay lah, still pretty recent.

J: Oh why, when was the last time for yours?

E: Honestly, my last time was before I found out Iain was cheating on me. After the divorce, I'm haven't thought about dating anyone else again.

J: Wow Iain is an idiot. You are the most beautiful, hardworking and intelligent woman I have ever known, and he threw all that away for some side hoe. It's his loss.

E: Do you really think I'm all of that?

I turned towards her and look straight into her eyes.

J: Yes Jie, I meant what I said. If you weren't my sister, you would be the ideal woman that I would want to settle down with.

Eve grew quiet and for a moment, I was afraid that I had unintentionally weirded out my sister from what I had just said. Then, she gave me a deep look in the eyes. Thankfully, based on the light smile on her lips, I could tell she wanted to say something good.

E (softly): Do you know that I was excited to come back here, even though I was reluctant at first because of how busy my work is?

J: Sure I do.

E: Well, obviously I wanted to see the house, but I also wanted to see you again. I'm always happy around you. You're one of the few men in my life that actually loves me for who I am. Most of the men in my life that approach me were only interested in sex, even Iain. He was only interested in getting into my pants during our first date.

J (jokingly): Well, that often happens with beautiful women like you.

E (softly again): I don't think you understand what I'm saying. You're one of the few men that I've ever truly loved.

Hearing what she had just said, this was the most vulnerable I had ever seen her. Everything about her in this moment was bare, her heart and her body. There was also an undeniable tension between us now. We are both naked, and now all the cards were laid out on the table.

J: I love you too Eve.

E: I know.

J (randomly): Did you used to like it when I watched you swimming all those years ago?

Grinning, she moved on top of me and straddled my hips as she put her hands on my shoulders. I could feel my erection quickly growing hard and fast below.

E (whispering) : I used to find myself aroused whenever you would spy on me. I still fantasise about it sometimes. I never stopped thinking about it. And I never will.

J: What else have you thought about?

E: Kiss me.

Vizra 20-11-2020 04:43 PM

Re: [Story] A Last Swim At Our Family Home

Originally Posted by FredSolo (Post 20332372)
It's a story between 2 siblings, trying something out here haha....

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